THE                                       OF SYMPTOM                      &


This introductory  course offers a smooth start into a deeper exploration & integration of the mind-body connection, the beliefs, needs, coping patterns & secondary gains underlying chronic symptoms, and how to not only listen to what this symptom means and needs, but how to actually start giving ourselves the felt sense of it; namely - to rebuild a relationship with ourselves in our body where we get to feel safe, playful, capable, worthy, self-expressed as well as held and supported, as opposed to punished, broken, invisible and hopeless, which is often how any healing journey involving a chronic symptom or diagnosis begins.



OF SYMPTOM                       &


This introductory  course offers a smooth start into a deeper exploration & integration of the mind-body connection, the beliefs, needs, coping patterns & secondary gains underlying chronic symptoms, and how to not only listen to what this symptom means and needs, but how to actually start giving ourselves the felt sense of it; namely - to rebuild a relationship with ourselves in our body where we get to feel safe, playful, capable, worthy, self-expressed as well as held and supported, as opposed to punished, broken, invisible and hopeless, which is often how any healing journey involving a chronic symptom or diagnosis begins.



— abbie

"This course was transformational for me, giving me a new perspective on what it means to heal. 

It supported a mindset shift within allowing me to face my fears and blocks that were preventing me from really beginning to heal chronic symptoms. This course was the catalyst that led to a massive reduction in symptoms, and I have now come off all medications and stopped using the walking cane."

"Getting coached by Sarah has been a radical wake up call!! 

With her guidance I'm dismantling all the old mindset beliefs that kept me trapped in victim mode. I don't spend hours in bed anymore, I take charge of my life!"

—  Suzy

when most people think of "symptom wisdom" & the
mind-body connection...

when most people think
of "symptom wisdom" &
the mind-body connection...

They think of what? Stress, being busy, dieting, getting in some early nights….But that is SO surface level… Your bodymind has intelligently and masterfully formed around your incredibly specific life experiences and childhood conditioning. Your symptom wisdom holds SO much more than a simple google search of “what’s the metaphysical cause of xyz” could ever give you. And your only work, really, is to learn how to be a safe person to yourself and your inner child, so that you can hear it and act on it.


this program is

for you if...

I'm ready - this is what I need!

  • You're REALLY READY to bring light to the parts of yourself attached to the old story of illness and rewrite it. 

  • There's something about self-healing and doing the inner work that just feels kinda heavy, and you're READY to be guided through it! 

  • You're tired of the endless protocols, diets and fixes, and you're ready to not only listen to what your symptom means and needs, but to act on it, too.

  • You keep manifesting symptoms that seem so random and unrelated. 

  • These symptoms always seem to get in the way of your goals and desires. 

  • You have a hard time speaking up about what you need and want in your life. 

  • You keep running into the same frustrations and unmet needs and healing can feel hopeless. 

  • You are open to reconnecting to yourself in a very deep way.

  • You know on some level that healing is possible. 

I'm ready - this is what I need!



“A dismantling of all the old mindset beliefs that kept me trapped in victim mode” - Suzy



“A reconnection with my body again. I've learned to love myself and look after myself.  I'm now LIVING life, not just feeling like I'm trying to survive each day.”- Martyne


“The catalyst that led to a massive reduction in symptoms, & I have now come off all medications & stopped using the walking cane.” - Abbie


“Not only hope, but certainty that healing exists.”- Monica



“An opening up to my ability to heal what I was told were incurable, chronic illnesses. All my symptoms have now reduced” - Trips


Payment Plan

2 payments of £275

One Payment 

1 payment of £500

best value!

select the plan that works for you:




Symptom Wisdom 101: You are a healer because you have symptoms.

You were likely told that your symptoms mean your body isn't working properly, or that something about you is inherently broken. But as we wake up to the profitable industry of ‘auto-immune disorders’, and re-attune to our intuition, we can begin questioning our  assumptions about dis-ease, the body, and the life we get to live. 


 Bodymind 101: The wisdom of the lower body

From the beliefs you adopted from your parents, caregivers, & others around you, previous sexual encounters, your deepest fears & longings… it’s all on full display walking around in your Bodymind. Here, we'll focus on the wisdom that the symptoms in your lower body have for you on safety, pleasure, and gut instinct.


Bodymind 101: the wisdom of the upper body

Next, we'll move onto the wisdom that the symptoms of the upper body reveal, delving into the themes of relationships, taking up space, connecting with your purpose and using your voice.


You’ve made it! Now fully resourced with the why’s and how’s within your symptoms

Time to combine the inner self-mastery & gentle reparenting you’ve crafted over the first 3 modules, with bringing your inner little girl, & her newly actualized standards, desires and needs, out of the healing cocoon and shine brightly in the world. In this module, you will learn how to realign the areas of your life that aren’t a match for you anymore.


plus, you'll receive this

Q&A recordings (priceless)

21 days of self-healing (£300 value)

the lecture library (£350 VALUE) included for free

sarah's first-ever course (used to heal chronic symptoms)

— martyne

"Sarah's coaching has helped me reconnect with my body again.

I've learned to love myself and look after myself. The discoveries I've made by tuning into the chronic symptoms and flares and the blocks I had around them has been transformational. I'm now LIVING life, not just feeling like I'm trying to survive each day."

"Getting coached by Sarah has been a radical wake up call!! 

With her guidance I'm dismantling all the old mindset beliefs that kept me trapped in victim mode. I don't spend hours in bed anymore, I take charge of my life!"

—  Suzy

Are there refunds?

There are no refunds. Please reach out to our team to ask any questions prior to purchasing, if you are unsure if this program is for you. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How is the content released?

Do I have lifetime access?

This course is entirely self-paced and you’ll receive access as soon as you register. You can work through it all over a few weeks to a few months, with new one-off teachings being added to The Lecture Library overtime. The pace is yours to choose.

We no longer promise lifetime access, both because the platforms we use to host the program won’t always be around, and more importantly, neither will I be. What we can say is that you’ll have a VERY long time to access the teachings, to watch them all hundreds of times over, and there will be ample heads up should we ever decide to close the program. 

Is this for women only or can all genders partake?

This program is specifically for women and those who identify strongly as a woman, as I continuously refer to the “inner little girl within us” throughout my teachings. If you’re okay with reframing the pronouns and gendered metaphors I use, you’re good! 

I’m brand new to the healing journey, will this be for me?

I’m well into my healing journey. Is this still relevant to me?

Definitely. This collection of teachings are designed to gently ease you out of chronic, and offers you the chance to deepen into your own responsibility of how you got to be here.

Also, definitely. In a long-ass healing path, we can often get stuck in our ways or become overly focused on external fixes to internal pain and suffering. This course will help you refresh your own practice and get comfy in your body- while also learning new, embodied ways to hear the wisdom beckoning you through these symptoms. 

Hi love, I'm Sarah.

Symptom Translator & Bodymind Coach for women.
I’ve been supporting women through their journey into deeper embodiment, expression and inner child reparenting since 2018. My work has been shared across the globe and I’ve taken thousands of women into their own symptom wisdom through live programs, courses and workshops. Have symptoms been protecting you from fully living alive? You’re in the right place.

meet your teacher

You don't have to live with your symptoms forever. Healing is possible.