praise for fundamentals of symptom wisdom

monica transformed her life

"This course has empowered me to dive deep down to the sources of the diseases 

...and transform my life through self-healing. It gave me not only hope, but certainty that healing exists." 


"I am now discovering who I am meant to be, thanks to Sarah's support and love.

Sarah has created a healing space full of acceptance & compassion, encouraging us to explore and play in our healing journey. I have found the experience of working with her in this program truly transforming."

fsw is a program like no other

"I feel empowered and inspired. This is very different to previous group programs I’ve been part of for Chronic illness...

because it’s a beautiful space full of support and love. It’s uplifting and so helpful. The other members are lovely, kind souls, and I’ve made so many friends!" 

Linda found healing, confidence & connection

"Before joining the FSW, I struggled with loneliness and a lack of belonging. I wasn’t able to identify my needs, or how to move on and to heal my life.

I was confused on how to interpret my symptoms, & didn't belief my life would be better, even if I healed my symptoms. I was so scared of taking up space, I felt really stuck. This showed up in my body with fatigue, brain fog, dizziness, no purpose and no trust in myself. Since working through the program, I wake up with more energy and less brain fog. Most importantly, I have a more positive and hopeful mindset. I have more confidence & now use my voice.  felt belonging in the workshops which was so amazing, and I’ll continue to create that in my life. The community was so safe, so validating & so so wonderful! The combination of theory and practical exercises was excellent!"  

FSW is truly life-changing

"My life has been completely changed, inside out since I started working with you.

I can’t wait for the next chapter of my journey. Thank you for being who you are and empowering so many people to heal!!!"

She now feels safe in her body

"Before joining the Fundamentals of Symptom Wisdom, I struggled with fear around giving myself the things I knew I wanted

 I wasn’t able to work through heart chakra and throat chakra and I had a lot of upper back and neck pain. Since working through the program, I now allow myself to rest properly and have been able to recognise the feelings of unsafety and how that is linked to not giving myself/doing what I really want. Most importantly I feel more clarity on why I feel unsafe and how to deal with feelings of anger and grief in my body instead of holding them in. I feel lighter and confident that I can add to my daily practice to allow these feelings to be released in a safe way. I feel much more connected to myself and have a deeper love for my body. I feel more connected with my spiritual body too." 

the support you've been looking for

"Sarah has amazing classes for anything you need, 

especially when you are in a flare up but you know you need to do something to care for yourself and move a bit. I have never come across anyone whose videos reflected what I was feeling at that time too. This made me feel supported. The meditations are so soothing and eye-opening, as someone who has always struggled with meditating I have found these very easy to follow and stay focused on. As a coach, Sarah is so understanding, supportive and pushes you where she knows you need to go!!!" 

praise for Embodied symptom wisdom

Caitlin Healed Chronic Pain & Chronic Fatigue

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom I was pretty much bed bound most of the time. I had really bad chronic head pain and pressure, all over body pain, extreme fatigue.

I’d get up and feel instantly drained and tired and sick and had to go back to bed. I felt really stuck, I never went outside, and as a young person in my early 20’s it got me really down. Since joining the program I'm still working on a few digestive issues but I'm not bedbound anymore! I get outside every day, I got a puppy and can look after her. I don't get all over body pain or that crippling fatigue anymore. it's easier to pin point why a symptom comes up and because of that I don't struggle with "health anxiety" anymore. Before joining I felt that I couldn't do anything and I had very negative self-talk about my body. And now I can do everything I want to do! There's nothing stopping me. I now recognise any negative self-talk and change it in that moment which is something I couldn't do before. Healing my relationship with myself and recognising my own worth has been HUGE!!!! With the support in the program, I finally left a toxic relationship, knowing that I'm allowed and deserve to want more!!! It was really freeing. The self-paced core curriculum of ESW was really good and covered so much, and the community of women sharing their wins, it was so supportive to know I wasn’t alone. Embodied Symptom Wisdom was totally worth the investment. 

Alisha went from Sick & Trapped to living her life and traveling freely

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom, my entire focus was on my illness and symptoms. I was constantly so fatigued, ill and in pain.

Every day was a struggle to get up and do anything. Screen sensitivity was SO bad. I couldn't read a book. I couldn't walk far, just about from the car to inside an appointment, I couldn't go for walks. I needed help making my bed, any physical task like hanging up laundry. My life revolved around acupuncture which was my only support line at that time. Then I'd feel better for a few days after acupuncture and then worse again afterwards. I was stuck in this cycle. There was so much pain, terrible headaches, constant anxiety and despair. And now since joining, I'm so much healthier than I was. I've been pet sitting independently and traveling around Australia and soon, internationally. I trust my body a lot more, I'm so much more capable.

Ashley healed her deep fear of symptoms & learnt how to listen to her intuitive wisdom

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom, I was struggling with tick infections, mold illness, Candida, chronic fatigue, burnout, exhaustion and very severe mast cell activation. 

I felt frustrated, angry, fearful, isolated, overwhelmed, disconnected- I didn’t know how to listen to myself- , and very sad and anxious- I was afraid I'd never be able to travel or eat my favourite foods again. The horror stories in those ‘FB support groups’ of people sick with the same symptoms as me for 10, 20 years! I was scared I'd lose my life and wanted it 'back'. FIH 

It was a breath of fresh air. It validated for me that A) the symptoms aren't in my head and are real and that B) I had more control than I realized. The deep fear of symptoms and illness is gone. I made so much progress inside the program and then it continued afterwards as I continued to integrate everything. Now I have the tools to move through any fear if it does come up, but I've realized that the life I had before isn't actually the life I want! I had to learn how to do it all differently, how to balance my responsibilities, how to set boundaries that honor myself. It was the fear of discomfort of doing something different and now it's exciting to create something new! Instead of worry and dread it's excitement.

Since joining the program and integrating the work, the symptoms have very much improved. I have more energy and most importantly, I’ve come to a place of acceptance that symptoms are telling a story. If I do have a symptom, I just need to look a little closer at what's going on in my life. The ‘symptom fear’ has dissolved, I’m happy, making a point to reconnect with loved ones, making a point NOT to reconnect with unhealthy connections, and mostly I feel proud that I speak my truth more. I think the most important thing is that I learned that symptoms are speaking to me. Instead of chasing the symptom to fix it, I started listening to my little voice and THAT is what I was missing for most of my life. When I started living my life doing things that are meaningful to me, that’s when I felt I was really living again. The ESW course content and the volume is incredible and quality phenomenal. I really liked the group calls. I would 100% recommend ESW and it was absolutely worth the investment.

Jodi went from stuck in symptoms to loving herself and loving her life

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom, I was dealing with Chronic pain, Chronic fatigue, I had no clarity on purpose and feeling completely stuck. 

Since working with Sarah inside ESW, I’m moving more, the pain has decreased, I have a morning routine that I absolutely LOVE, I've started studying yoga and learning about myself and my body which is resulting in me feeling empowered, I have made changes in my job and my life that feel manageable and aligned. Before this deep work, I felt disconnected, I was so unclear on my next steps in life and felt depressed - I really didn’t like myself. Now I'm learning about myself with a compassion I have not experienced (perhaps ever) before. My healing journey has changed from needing to 'fix' myself to wanting to learn more and more about me and about life in general :) And I'm taking steps to make changes in my life which feels fantastic. I would recommend ESW for the safe community, the vast amount of quality core curriculum and information, the bonus sessions, the live coaching Q&A calls, the connections created, & Sarah's no BS philosophy. Sarah's genuine compassion for herself and her students has had a profound effect on me in that I can honestly say I am more compassionate towards myself than ever before. I actually like myself. Thank you Sarah! 

Ashley healed her relationship with her self-image and finally trusts herself 

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom, I was battling with stomach issues, acid reflux, anxiety, light sound sensitivity, fatigue, migraines, allergies- I’d given up with doctors and didn't know what to do next

Now after joining ESW, all of the chronic symptoms lessened and I even got off my allergy medicine! I know how to deal with the symptom if one comes up and it goes away fast. I’m not panicking anymore if a symptom comes up - I know why it's happening. I’m sleeping better, I can do stuff I couldn’t do before, like working in my yard for hours without feeling ill! Before this program, I didn’t trust myself. I had inner turmoil believing my body is against me and that things are my fault. I was afraid to show up online, afraid to be seen, and I felt alone. I knew the power of the mind was strong but I didn't know what that meant or how to dig deeper. I felt so distracted by all the NOISE by the wellness people (diets etc) and getting sucked into that, rather than sitting down and actually "do the work". Now since joining ESW I trust myself more, I can listen to myself & recenter. I know what to do now, I know how the healing works, I know I have access to it, I know I don't have to rush to "do the work". The program helped me to realize I needed to have my breast implants removed, and the support from you and the group helped me not to be afraid to do it. The surgery was hard and a whole initiation process. ESW coaching calls and the tools helped me get through it and get out the other side. I wouldn't have had the courage to do it on my own. I LOVE MY BREASTS NOW! I feel sad for my old self but appreciate the journey. My heart space feels more open and softer. I’ve healed a ton of past religious trauma and I finally feel worthy. The live Q&A calls were amazing, I always asked questions and received the support I needed, I was a sponge taking it all in! Embodied Symptom Wisdom was definitely worth the investment. 


Working with Sarah was hugely transformative for me – and gave me a new perspective on what it means to heal.

It supported a mindset shift within, allowing me to face my fears and subconscious blockages I had that were preventing me from really beginning to heal. Through the programme, I have also met so many amazing other women healing themselves from around the world – for which I am so grateful for. Here, you heal in community – surrounded by other women that are on their own healing journey. Sarah calls me out on my BS, and enables me to be accountable to my goals as I transition my career to yoga teacher & meditation guide. Without Sarah, there is no way I would be teaching yoga online and in person right now. I would be too scared, and I just wouldn't have had the confidence to do so. I honestly don’t think I’d be where I am today on my healing journey if it wasn’t for Sarah. I imagine I would still be stuck in flare-ups, and continuing to take a cocktail of different medications. I talk to myself differently now- coming from a place of self-compassion and understanding. I managed to come off all my medication and start only using plant-based medicine. I also stopped using a cane which I had become highly dependent on. I can recommend Sarah and her program wholeheartedly. Working with her has dramatically changed my outlook on my healing, on symptoms and ultimately, my life. 


Sarah has helped me transform my entire life, from managing the symptoms to healing them.

I have healed insomnia, restless leg syndrome, chronic fatigue, clinical depression, and anxiety within 4 months of working with Sarah. I now understand why the symptoms are present, how I manifested them and what to learn from them in order to heal. I now have a routine which absolutely changed my days- I wake up and practice self-love before the day even starts. I would never want to go back to when I was waking up late and rushing around and never spending time with myself. Sarah always celebrates my achievements, she is always helping you to celebrate yourself; I never used to celebrate myself. I used to berate myself for everything. My self-worth was connected to my perfectionism, how others perceived me, and how much I could DO- you know? Sarah has helped me break these patterns and heal the core beliefs within them, I now know my innate worth, and I attract new experiences that validate it. I never really loved myself, and now I genuinely love myself. 

Sofie healed extreme symptoms and traveled independently  

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom, I was dealing with extreme fatigue, spiraling thoughts, extreme sound & light sensitivity to everything in the world.

Loads of pain in my back and waking up really tired. I could barely shower myself because I was so tired. Even a phone call it was like "oh my god I have to make a phone call", everything was so stressful. All the symptoms have reduced, they're no longer chronic. I'm continuing on my healing journey, I'm not dependent on a partner anymore, who I used to use a 'protective shield'. Before, I didn't use to dare to do anything by myself. But now, I went to Mexico ALL BY MYSELF! 2 Flights, went to Tulum, rented a bike, went straight to the beach! I traveled all through Mexico for 4 MONTHS, to the cities, to the mountains, to the Pacific coach, and I didn’t watch Netflix once. I took planes, buses, everything! Every time I was surprised at how capable my body was. I am even DRIVING again! 

Before working with Sarah I was feeling a lot of shame and guilt about things I did wrong, or things I thought I did wrong. I felt lonely, I had NO idea how to heal- no clue at all. I was totally clueless. Now I can see I've made so much progress, and I'm totally on my way to 'Not So Chronic'. Most of the time I'm not thinking about 'symptoms' and 'healing' because I'm too busy living my life! I know it's inevitable that I heal. I'm not feeling lonely anymore, the circle of women from the program helped me so much. When/ if a symptom comes up, I don't feel clueless anymore. The inner child work and reparenting we covered inside ESW was totally new for me, and so essential. I was really satisfied with the group coaching calls. Every question that was asked in the group could be applied to me as well. I was grateful for the replay as well. I felt we really connected as a group. I remember I had very strong chronic pain and going through a lot of relationship issues. Working through it together, and reconnecting to myself, I woke up the next day with the pain gone!

I would recommend Embodied Symptom Wisdom because it gives you SO much guidance on the steps to make to actually heal your life. It goes into all the deep stuff... the codependency, how to love yourself, it includes it all. It helped me so much to break free. It was the first thing that actually helped in my journey and I’m so grateful. I’m planning my next trip to Mexico this Winter! 

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom, I was struggling with eczema, chronic UTIs & skin infections.

Since joining I’ve healed them! I was feeling so frustrated and disappointed with my body/ life, but now I have a deeper listening to myself and my body. Embodied Symptom Wisdom was really worth the investment. 

Emily found her power and safety

Before joining Embodied Symptom Wisdom, I was feeling frustrated with myself, stuck in the same patterns, with a lot of stomach upset, dizziness, and chronic fatigue. 

Since joining ESW & working with Sarah I’m celebrating knowing there is nothing wrong with me! I understand that I’m always healing, that my body is speaking to me and here to deliver messages I haven’t been listening to. I used to feel crippled with anxiety that I’d never heal, that I’m different or unlucky, but now I recognise I have a lot more power than I’d given myself credit for. I loved the support and the live coaching Q&A calls were amazing, it was so healing to see I am not alone, and to gain awareness through others experiences and applying it to my life as well. The ESW content and my time within the program was definitely worth the investment!