Symptoms are whispers
from your body showing you...


Welcome, Friends

HELLo, I’m sarah kimberley

..Also known as your Symptom Wisdom Translator. My expertise lies in listening to the language of the body. I'm here to help you shift out of chronic, become the parent for ourselves we did not have, and design a life of full-bodied permission to be who we are.


It’s in the parts of ourselves that are the most difficult to love (that show up in symptoms) where we find the most wisdom.

-Sarah Kimberley

featured programs

ready to heal?



This introductory course offers a smooth start into a deeper exploration & integration of the mind-body connection, the beliefs, needs, coping patterns & secondary gains underlying chronic symptoms, and how to not only listen to what this symptom means and needs, but how to actually start giving ourselves the felt sense of it; namely - to rebuild a relationship with ourselves in our body where we get to feel safe, playful, capable, worthy, self-expressed as well as held and supported.

For she who wants the why behind symptoms

learn more >



The first program of its kind to heal symptoms, yes, but with the focus firmly on creating a more embodied life. Through live somatic practice and an immense core curriculum, you'll turn your healing from something you need to figure out or fix into a deeply spiritual reconnection with your innermost self.  

learn more >


"It’s been a few months since the program finished, and my symptoms are gone!

Sarah's curriculum was really eye-opening, I was like "oh that's WHY this is like that, this makes sense now!" it shone a lot of light in answering why I had a certain symptom or recurring pattern in my life. Additionally, there was a good balance of HOW and addressing it / moving forwards and ultimately, how to heal.

— andreea

Sarah's teachings were a breath of fresh air. 

It validated for me that A) the symptoms aren't in my head and are real and that B) I had more control than I realized.  The ESW course content and the volume is incredible and quality phenomenal. I would 100% recommend ESW and it was absolutely worth the investment.

— ashley

listen in:

The Symptom Wisdom Show 

NO. 23 - How I Manifested My Chronic Illness


No. 1 - What is Self-Healing? 


No. 2 - From Chronic Diagnosis To Healing


This show is a yogic & metaphysical podcast that will help you explore & decode the wisdom of the body, and what it may be trying to tell you with certain symptoms. This show is for you if you're tired of fix-it protocols, restrictive diets, and feeling like you're at war with your body.